Ages: 0+
This pillow makes a cuddly friend, on your bed or in your arms!
Contemplating why your kids adore unicorns so much? We’ve got insight for you that is totally ‘on point’.
Is there anything trendier than unicorns? The answer is both resounding and about as emphatic as a horn stuck to your head. No, there is absolutely nothing trendier than these fabled horses—and absolutely no question as to just how much kids adore unicorns.
We’re not talking the frivolous, that-is-so-last-season kind of trendy; unicorns have always been cool and show no signs of galloping away from that mantle.
But just why are kids so enchanted by unicorns (and adults too—if plenty of the décor we see for grown-ups is anything to go by)? What exactly is it about these creatures that are 95% horse and 5% letter opener that is so captivating?
Is it the mystery, the myth or the majesty? Perhaps it’s just the convenient place to hang your bangles when you’re not wearing them.
Horse code: The appeal of unicorns is pretty similar to some children’s obsessions with dinosaurs. It takes a familiar, real-world creature and ramps up the cool make-believe qualities to 10.
Kids can observe real horses and then just let their developing imaginations go bananas. They can picture an extravagant horn that adorns the top of a horse’s head, a mane in all the colors of the rainbow, and even magical wings the unicorn can use to fly them to wherever their hearts desire.
So, yeah, unicorns are pretty cool! The unicorn is a legendary animal that looks like a horse or a goat with a single horn on its forehead. Unicorns are thought to be good and pure creatures with magical powers. They are strong, often white in color, and difficult to catch. The unicorn appears in the art of ancient Mesopotamia.
Unicorns are often described as symbols of freedom, magic, purity, innocence and healing. In the modern world, unicorns often also represent positivity, joy, hope, pride and diversity.